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PATRICIA PROUST-LABEYRIE – Live and work in Laruscade in Gironde (France) since 1976.


  •   Until 1991 Erratic studies between chemistry, physics, plant and animal biology, visual Arts. // Determining studies of the works of Yves Klein, Malévitch, and Joseph Beuys at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Bordeaux (1987- 1991).

  • 1991 Meet writer-essayist Kenneth White and become a member of the International Institute of Geopoetics.

  • 1992 Reflection on the singular position of the artist in relation to the collective. // Need to combine heterogeneous materials.

  • 1995 Introduction of writing : book-object, plastic texts (book and CD), conferences as performances, engraved words. // Publication of the book “Journey to the Heart of Immensity”. // Deepening of the questioning on the relationship between art and science.

  • 1996 Questioning about the durability of environments lead to the creation of the Museum of Elementals.

  • 1997 Thought as material, project of the Plasticians Group presented with M-W Debono as part of a round table at the Palais de la Découverte, Paris.

  • 1998 Becomes a member of CIRET (International Center for Research and Transdisciplinary Studies, Paris). // Becomes a member of PSA (Plasticités Sciences Arts, Paris) concretized by the research project: Thought as material (subject: pre-intuition) in collaboration with the neurobiologist Marc-Williams Debono.

  • 1999-2004 During the devastating storm of 1999, introduction of the role of randomness as the foundation of my artistic thought 1-2-3-4 Series : The Founder Hazard.


  • 2005 Several projects in progress, directing my visual research towards the concept that emerges from the place of demonstration that will become material / subject and will give birth to the Apparition Series * Necessity to include my teaching activities in my artistic journey . //An emotional meeting of Joseph Beuys' works in Kassel.

  • 2006 Growing interest in the “in process” work.

  • 2007 Critical meeting with thinker Anthony Judge. // Reflection on surpassing the limits of the thinkable with the metaphor.

  • 2008 Experimental work during a month of isolation in Meschers (1st stay), on emergence of artistic intuitions and their effects on structure of thought.

  • 2009 The exhibition Beyond Appearances concretizes the works of the year two thousand and eight and engages a reflection on the posture of the artist within the society and the fundamentals of the function of art. (see the Web Review PLASTIR N ° 10, 03/2008: P. Proust-Labeyrie Art at work: The Metaphors of Plasticity).

  • 2010 The Pelagic Territories exhibition proposes a stroll between paintings, photographs, sounds, installations ... Between Sky - Meteors – Shelter - Silence and Landscape, five formally distinct territories, of which the plastic interaction creates unity from the diversity. (Work from 2nd stay (Pyrenees Ariégeoises).

  • 2011 Continuation of the art and science research project on dynamics reports that arise from the environmental elements in the process of creation. // Art and science project endorsed by the PSA research group (Plasticités-Sciences-Arts - Paris) and conducted in collaboration with Marc-Williams Debono neurobiologist) during the 3rd stay that took place in my workshop.

  • 2012 Attempt at artistic elaboration of a mapping of thought in act. It is a matter of elucidating what is happening daily, without our control, which stimulates our cognitive perceptions. The series "Specular Curves" comes from it.

  • 2013 4th stay of one month on the Ile de Groix (Morbihan): Experiment the landscape.

  • 2014 How time and space carry memory thoughts of an experience from one place to another?

  • 2016 What dynamics involves the epistemic concept of plasticity?

  • 2017 All that I perceive becomes potentially a subject of research, example: what are the impacts of color felt by humans?

(Translates by Sophie Burthey-Lancereau)

© 2016 créé par Frédérique Labeyrie 

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