PATRICIA PROUST-LABEYRIE – Live and work in Laruscade in Gironde (France) since 1976.
Until 1991 Erratic studies between chemistry, physics, plant and animal biology, visual Arts. // Determining studies of the works of Yves Klein, Malévitch, and Joseph Beuys at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Bordeaux (1987- 1991).
1991 Meet writer-essayist Kenneth White and become a member of the International Institute of Geopoetics.
1992 Reflection on the singular position of the artist in relation to the collective. // Need to combine heterogeneous materials.
1995 Introduction of writing : book-object, plastic texts (book and CD), conferences as performances, engraved words. // Publication of the book “Journey to the Heart of Immensity”. // Deepening of the questioning on the relationship between art and science.
1996 Questioning about the durability of environments lead to the creation of the Museum of Elementals.
1997 Thought as material, project of the Plasticians Group presented with M-W Debono as part of a round table at the Palais de la Découverte, Paris.
1998 Becomes a member of CIRET (International Center for Research and Transdisciplinary Studies, Paris). // Becomes a member of PSA (Plasticités Sciences Arts, Paris) concretized by the research project: Thought as material (subject: pre-intuition) in collaboration with the neurobiologist Marc-Williams Debono.
1999-2004 During the devastating storm of 1999, introduction of the role of randomness as the foundation of my artistic thought 1-2-3-4 Series : The Founder Hazard.
2005 Several projects in progress, directing my visual research towards the concept that emerges from the place of demonstration that will become material / subject and will give birth to the Apparition Series * Necessity to include my teaching activities in my artistic journey . //An emotional meeting of Joseph Beuys' works in Kassel.
2006 Growing interest in the “in process” work.
2007 Critical meeting with thinker Anthony Judge. // Reflection on surpassing the limits of the thinkable with the metaphor.
2008 Experimental work during a month of isolation in Meschers (1st stay), on emergence of artistic intuitions and their effects on structure of thought.
2009 The exhibition Beyond Appearances concretizes the works of the year two thousand and eight and engages a reflection on the posture of the artist within the society and the fundamentals of the function of art. (see the Web Review PLASTIR N ° 10, 03/2008: P. Proust-Labeyrie Art at work: The Metaphors of Plasticity).
2010 The Pelagic Territories exhibition proposes a stroll between paintings, photographs, sounds, installations ... Between Sky - Meteors – Shelter - Silence and Landscape, five formally distinct territories, of which the plastic interaction creates unity from the diversity. (Work from 2nd stay (Pyrenees Ariégeoises).
2011 Continuation of the art and science research project on dynamics reports that arise from the environmental elements in the process of creation. // Art and science project endorsed by the PSA research group (Plasticités-Sciences-Arts - Paris) and conducted in collaboration with Marc-Williams Debono neurobiologist) during the 3rd stay that took place in my workshop.
2012 Attempt at artistic elaboration of a mapping of thought in act. It is a matter of elucidating what is happening daily, without our control, which stimulates our cognitive perceptions. The series "Specular Curves" comes from it.
2013 4th stay of one month on the Ile de Groix (Morbihan): Experiment the landscape.
2014 How time and space carry memory thoughts of an experience from one place to another?
2016 What dynamics involves the epistemic concept of plasticity?
2017 All that I perceive becomes potentially a subject of research, example: what are the impacts of color felt by humans?
(Translates by Sophie Burthey-Lancereau)